When you purchase our V.I.P. table it includes: ​
8 seats with a table
Ticket for Finger Food
Ticket for Beverage
Best Seats in the House
Your name on a V.I.P. Table
V.I.P. Tables Cost: $550
$2,500 Title Sponsor
Includes two VIP tables.
Named as title sponsor.
Name on marketing collateral.
Full page in event program.
Social media mentions.
Vocal recognition at event.
Screen advertising at event.
Main sponsor logo on all table tents.
Logo on Coyotes of Comedy website.
$550 V.I.P. Table Sponsor
Includes one VIP table.
Vocal recognition at event.
Advertisement on screen
$1,500 Presenting Sponsor
Includes one VIP table.
Named as presenting sponsor.
Recognition on social media.
Vocal recognition at event.
Screen advertising at event.
Logo on Coyotes of Comedy website.
$1,200 Food and Alcohol Sponsor
Vocal recognition at event.
Screen advertising at event.
For information regarding sponsorships and/or the 9th Annual Coyote of Comedy please contact Yasmin Flores, Sponsorship Coordinator at (951) 836-6593 or email at yasmin.flores3@yahoo.com.